Monday 3 March 2014

On your 'departure' ? En tu partida...

Isa, my dearest friend, you were doubtless an oil lamp
to all of us who had the privilege of meeting you and
learning from you.
You were definitely a master teacher of life, an example
to follow, an inspiration.
On the belief that you'll surely be shining with light and
from wherever you are, you'll keep illuminating us
I say bye just for now, because our roads will one day
meet and we'll hug each other once again. 
Love you dearly my dearest friend!!!

Isa, mi linda y querida amiga de la vida, has sido sin
duda alguna una luz para todos nosotros, los que hemos
tenido el privilegio de encontrarte y aprender de vos.
Fuiste sin duda una maestra de vida, un ejemplo a seguir,
una inspiracion.
En la profunda creencia de que estaras seguramente
brillando, dondequiera que estes y seguiras iluminandonos,
te digo chauchito, por ahora, porque nuestros caminos
se encontraran algun dia y entonces, nos abrazaremos 
Te quiero con el alma, mi linda amiga!

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